Fast service and high availability for your clinic

Reasons for your clinic to collaborate with us

Fast, flexible & reliable

A collaboration with us is based on mutual benefits for both parties. Your clinic takes care of the work close to the patient, and we take care of the clinical lab operations. When we have carried out the analysis, we send out an analysis report, where you again take care of the contact with the patient and convey the results. Fast, flexible and reliable.

Accredited according to ISO 15189

The NIPT lab in central Gothenburg is accredited according to Swedac ISO 15189 for medical testing. The routines that the accreditation brings with it are applied to all methods. If you are in need of a partner with equipment, instruments and personnel with knowledge in clinical operations, we can be the collaboration you are looking for. We only carry out analyzes with a sound scientific basis.

Our tests

Take part in a growing number of tests

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Contact us!

Are you interested in starting a collaboration with Life Genomics, or do you have other questions? Fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you. Don't forget to read and accept our Personal Data Policy. Welcome!