A blood sample is all that is needed

Harmony NIPT is a blood sample-based fetal test that can be carried out as early as week 10 of pregnancy. Information for expectant parents is available at fostertest.se, and information for caregivers is available at nipt.se

Harmony NIPT, the safe fetal test

How does it work?

Free DNA circulates in the blood of all people. During a pregnancy, free DNA from the fetus also circulates. Because fetal DNA is unique, we can compare the ratio of fetal and maternal chromosomes.

Briefly about the test

NIPT is a screening test that can find chromosomal abnormalities with high sensitivity. Different from the regular first trimester screening (KUB) which finds 79 out of 100 trisomy pregnancies, NIPT finds 99 out of 100.

How is the sampling performed?

After week 10 of pregnancy, in connection with a first ultrasound, a blood sample can be taken from the arm. The blood sample is sent to our laboratory in Gothenburg where the analysis is performed. A sample answer will be sent out within 1-2 weeks.

Are you an expectant parent?

On fostertest.se you will find the clinics and healthcare providers that offer sampling for Harmony NIPT, which we analyze at our lab in Gothenburg. Click here to find your nearest clinic.

A selection of our collaborating NIPT clinics

NIPT lab

Read more about our laboratories and our laboratory accreditation.

Documents related to referral and respons:

Find out more

Do you work in a clinic that wants to offer NIPT?

Contact us if you want to know more about how it works to collaborate with Life Genomics and what you can expect from us. Our laboratories are located in central Gothenburg, but we collaborate with healthcare providers and clinics all over Europe.